LAでTED 2011 開催中! ~DAY0




TEDTalks on Hulu: “An idea worth spreading (to your living room)”

We’re excited to announce, on the eve of TED2011, that you can now watch TEDTalks on Hulu. Starting with a set of 50 TEDTalks you can browse, we’ll soon (after TED) grow the collection to match the 800+ talks online at

Hulu’s Andy Forssell wrote a nice blog post welcoming us to the incredibly popular video site (that’s where the headline above comes from). He writes:

Hulu’s mission is to help our users find and enjoy the world’s premium content when, how, and where they want. And we think you would be hard pressed to find content more premium than the TEDTalks from the prestigious TED conferences. Incredible people. Amazing ideas.

Watch TEDTalks on Hulu

立入 勝義 (Katsuyoshi Tachiiri) 作家・コンサルタント・経営者 株式会社ウエスタンアベニュー代表 一般社団法人 日本大富豪連盟 代表理事 特定非営利活動法人 e場所 理事 日米二重生活。4女の父。在米歴20年以上。 主な著書に「ADHDでよかった」(新潮新書)、「Uber革命の真実」「ソーシャルメディア革命」(ともにDiscover21)など計六冊を上梓。